By default, all the data within the data range specified in Step 2 is shown on the chart. You can optionally filter the chart to only show data meeting a specified condition in Step 2.
From the open chart, choose the Data Range option from the right mouse menu. In the Subgroup Plotting section, click (place a check mark in the box preceding) the Plot Last x Groups option, then enter (or use the up/down arrows) to specify 30 groups, as shown in the dialog box below.
Click the Finish button to show the updated chart, which now shows only the last 30 subgroups as specified. From the open chart, choose the Data Range option from the right mouse menu, then the Filter button.
Click the Apply Data Filter option;
Select the column $G:$G from the Criteria Field list;
Select the "Does Not Equal" option from the Operator list;
Enter the text "S2112" (without the quotes) into the Criteria Value text box.
Your choices should look as shown here. Click the OK button to close the Filter dialog, then the Finish button to show the updated chart (shown below). Note that the software has applied all the specified conditions to determine the chart's plotted data: The last 30 subgroups in columns B through F where column G does not equal S2112. In this case, the filter removed the first three subgroups seen in the last chart because their corresponding value in column G did not meet the "does not equal S2112" condition, resulting in only 27 groups included in the analysis.