Designed Experiments
This online Introduction to Designed Experiments training course, written and facilitated by the author of the latest Six Sigma Handbooks, provides an introduction to design of experiments.
Prerequisite: We suggest you complete our Regression short course to gain ample understanding of the analysis techniques fundamental to the designed experiment.
By completing this design of experiments course, students will be able to:
- Understand the issues considered when planning and conducting designed experiments.
- Select an appropriate design.
- Use software to interpret the basic results of a designed experiment.
Registration in the online Introduction to Designed Experiments training course includes:
- Twelve months access to the online training materials including training slides, study guide, and additional Knowledge Center references.
- Upon successful course completion: Electronic certificate indicating course completion.
The following three topics, with 2 videos, are included in this design of experiments training course:
- Introduction to Design of Experiments (DOE)
- Terminology
- DOE vs. Traditional Experiments
- DOE vs. Historical Data
- Design Planning
- Selecting Responses
- Selecting Factors and Levels
- Complete Factorials
- Fractional Factorials
- Aliasing
- Screening Designs
- Video: Design of Experiments Setup
- Quiz
- ANALYZE: DOE Analysis Fundamentals
- Estimating Effects and Coefficients
- Significance Plots
- Estimating Error & Lack of Fit
- Extending Designs
- Power of Design
- Tests for Surface Curvature
- Video: Design of Experiments Analysis
- Quiz
- ANALYZE: Design Selection
- Desirable Designs
- Performance: Balance, Orthogonality, Resolution
- Other Design Models
- Saturated Designs
- Plackett Burman Designs
- Johns 3/4 Designs
- Central Composite Designs
- Box Behnken Designs
- Taguchi Designs (mention)
- Quiz