Average Sigma
The average of the subgroup sigma (S-Bar).
(n = constant) , OR
(n ≠ constant)
Sj is the Subgroup Sigma of subgroup j
m is the total number of subgroups included in the analysis
sigma-x is the Process Sigma based on the Sigma chart
c4 is a function of n (available in any statistical quality control textbook)
Note: When control limits for the X-Bar chart are defined as fixed values (such as when historical data is used to define control limits), the Average Sigma (S-bar) must be back calculated from these pre-defined control limits. This ensures that the control limits on the Sigma chart are at the same sensitivity as those on the X-Bar chart. In this case:

where c4 (available in any statistical quality control textbook) is based on the subgroup size n.
Learn more about the Statistical Inference tools
for understanding statistics in Six Sigma
Demystified (2011, McGraw-Hill) by Paul Keller,
in his online Intro. to Statistics short course (only $89)
or his
online Black Belt certification training course ($875).