Interpretation & Calculations
Histograms, Process Capability
Key Success Factors for the Implementation of SPC
How to Study Process Capability
SPC to Improve Quality, Reduce Cost
Use Of SPC To Detect Process Manipulation
Plotted statistic
Rangej = MAX (x1, x2,…, xn) - MIN (x1, x2,…, xn)
where x1, x2, … are the n observations in the subgroup j
Center Line
UCL , LCL (Upper and Lower Control Limit)
where R-bar is the Average Range , d3 is a function of n, and σx is Process Sigma, which is calculated using the Subgroup Range .
Notes: Some authors prefer to write this calculation for statistical process charts as:
where D3 and D4 are a function of n.
Learn more about the SPC principles and tools for process improvement in Statistical Process Control Demystified (2011, McGraw-Hill) by Paul Keller, in his online SPC Concepts short course (only $39), or his online SPC certification course ($350) or online Green Belt certification course ($499).