Interpretation & Calculations
Histograms, Process Capability
Key Success Factors for the Implementation of SPC
How to Study Process Capability
SPC to Improve Quality, Reduce Cost
Use Of SPC To Detect Process Manipulation
Attribute Charts are a set of control charts specifically designed for Attributes data (i.e. counts data). Attribute charts monitor the process location and variation over time in a single chart.
The family of Attribute Charts include the:
Np-Chart: for monitoring the number of times a condition occurs, relative to a constant sample size, when each sample can either have this condition, or not have this condition
p-Chart: for monitoring the percent of samples having the condition, relative to either a fixed or varying sample size, when each sample can either have this condition, or not have this condition
c-Chart: for monitoring the number of times a condition occurs, relative to a constant sample size, when each sample can have more than one instance of the condition.
u-Chart: for monitoring the percent of samples having the condition, relative to either a fixed or varying sample size, when each sample can have more than one instance of the condition.
See also:
When to Use an Attribute Chart
Interpreting an Attribute Chart
Learn more about the SPC principles and tools for process improvement in Statistical Process Control Demystified (2011, McGraw-Hill) by Paul Keller, in his online SPC Concepts short course (only $39), or his online SPC certification course ($350) or online Green Belt certification course ($499).